EqualsDetermines whether the specified object instances are considered equal.
The first object to compare.
The second object to compare.
true if the objects are considered equal; otherwise, false. If both objA and objB are null, the method returns true.
ItemGet a column with a given index.
Gets the context of this node.
Gets the number of columns in the collection.
Gets a value indicating whether this node is attached.
Gets a collection of methods for executing transactions on the document.
Add a new calculated column.
The newly created calculated column.
Add a new hierarchy column.
The name of the hierarchy.
The hierarchy definition.
The newly created hierarchy column.
Add a new tags column.
The name of the new tags column.
The initial list of tag values. The list cannot contain duplicates and if the empty string is not part of the list it will be added to the end. A string in the tag values collection cannot be longer than 150 characters.
The added tags column.
Check if this collection contains a column with the given name.
The name of the column.
True if a column with the given name exists in the collection, false otherwise.
Create a new unique column name from a suggestion. The suggested name is used if possible.
The suggested column name.
A column name which is unique in the collection.
Find all columns satisfying the Predicate.
The Predicate delegate that defines the conditions of the elements to search for.
The columns satisfying the Predicate.
Find all columns which matches the given search pattern. For search syntax see Spotfire user manual.
The search pattern.
The columns which matches the search pattern.
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
A System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection.
Check if the suggested column name is a valid unique name in the collection.
The suggested column name.
True if the suggested name is a valid name for a new column in the collection, false otherwise.
Remove the column from this collection.
The column to remove.
Remove columns from this collection.
The columns to remove.
Remove the column with the given name.
The name of the column to remove.
Remove the columns with the given names.
The names of the columns to remove.
Try to get a column with a given name.
The name of the column.
The column will be assigned to this parameter if found.
True if the column was found in the collection and assigned to dataColumn parameter, false otherwise.
This is a collection of Spotfire.Dxp.Data.DataColumn columns in a Spotfire.Dxp.Data.DataTable. This class is used to retrieve columns and to add new columns.