Represents a color scheme used to color a visualization. The Coloring class is a list of Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals.ConditionalColoring.ColorRules. A Coloring will assign colors to values using first its rules, and if none of them match either the Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals.ConditionalColoring.Coloring.DefaultColor or Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals.ConditionalColoring.Coloring.EmptyColor will be used.


Hierarchy (view full)



  • Casts this object to the specified type. Throws error on failure.

    Type Parameters

    • T1

      The target type of the cast.

    • T2

      The type of the object to cast.


    Returns T1

  • Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.


    • obj: any

      The object to compare with the current object.

    Returns boolean

    true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false.

  • Serves as the default hash function.

    Returns number

    A hash code for the current object.

  • Returns a string that represents the current object.

    Returns string

    A string that represents the current object.

  • Casts this object to the specified type. Returns null on failure.

    Type Parameters

    • T1

      The target type of the cast.

    • T2

      The type of the object to cast.


    Returns null | T1

  • Returns Iterator<ColorRule, any, undefined>

  • Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal.


    • objA: any

      The first object to compare.

    • objB: any

      The second object to compare.

    Returns boolean

    true if the objects are considered equal; otherwise, false. If both objA and objB are null, the method returns true.

Default capability

Item: PropertyGet<number | Int32, ColorRule>

The index.

The Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals.ConditionalColoring.ColorRule at the specified index.


  • get Context(): INodeContext
  • Gets the context of this node.

    Returns INodeContext


  • get EmptyColor(): Color
  • Gets or sets color used for empty values.

    Returns Color


  • set EmptyColor(value): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • get EvaluatePerTrellis(): boolean
  • Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals.ConditionalColoring.Coloring should be evaluated per trellis panel.

    Returns boolean

    This setting will only affect the color assignment when the plot is currently trellising. When set to true, each trellis panel where the Coloring is applied is treated as an individual subset, meaning that statistical calculations will be calculated individually for each panel (i.e. each panel will have their own min and max value).


  • set EvaluatePerTrellis(value): void
  • Parameters

    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get IsAttached(): boolean
  • Gets a value indicating whether this node is attached.

    Returns boolean


  • get SetColorOnText(): boolean
  • Gets or sets a value indicating whether to set color on cell text or on cell background. This property is used by tabular visualizations.

    Returns boolean


  • set SetColorOnText(value): void
  • Parameters

    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get Transactions(): ITransactions
  • Gets a collection of methods for executing transactions on the document.

    Returns ITransactions


  • Adds a new categorical color rule with default configuration to the end of the collection.

    Returns CategoricalColorRule

    The categorical color rule that was added.


  • Adds a new expression rule to the end of the collection.


    • booleanExpression: string | String

      The boolean expression.

    • color: Color

      The color.

    Returns ExpressionColorRule

    The ExpressionColorRule that was added.


  • Clears this collection, removing all ColorRules.

    Returns void


  • Determines whether the collection contains a specified rule.


    • rule: ColorRule

      The rule to locate in the collection.

    Returns boolean

    True if the collection contains the specified rule; otherwise, false.


  • Determines the index of a specific rule in the collection.


    • rule: ColorRule

      The rule to locate in the collection.

    Returns number

    The index of the rule if found in the list; otherwise, -1.


  • Moves a rule at the specified index to another location in the collection.


    • fromIndex: number | Int32

      The zero-based index specifying the location of the item to be moved.

    • toIndex: number | Int32

      The zero-based index specifying the new location of the item.

    Returns void


  • Removes the specified rule from the collection.


    Returns boolean

    True if the rule was removed; otherwise false.


Extended capability 'LibraryWrite'