EqualsDetermines whether the specified object instances are considered equal.
The first object to compare.
The second object to compare.
true if the objects are considered equal; otherwise, false. If both objA and objB are null, the method returns true.
Gets the context of this node.
Gets a value indicating whether this node is attached.
Gets a collection of methods for executing transactions on the document.
Adds sorting by the specified column. Does nothing if the specified column is already sorted by.
The column to sort by.
The information object for the sorted column, or null if the visualization in the column does not support sorting.
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
A System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection.
Removes the specified sort info from this collection.
The sort info to remove.
Tries to get the sort info for the specified column.
The column.
The sort info.
True if found; false otherwise.
Represents a list of columns to sort by.