The Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Computations.DataMethods are grouped into sections (ex. Text, Math, etc.) when presented in the user interface. This class contains the predefined sections which methods can be part of.


Hierarchy (view full)


  • Casts this object to the specified type. Throws error on failure.

    Type Parameters

    • T1

      The target type of the cast.

    • T2

      The type of the object to cast.


    Returns T1

  • Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.


    • obj: any

      The object to compare with the current object.

    Returns boolean

    true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false.

  • Serves as the default hash function.

    Returns number

    A hash code for the current object.

  • Returns a string that represents the current object.

    Returns string

    A string that represents the current object.

  • Casts this object to the specified type. Returns null on failure.

    Type Parameters

    • T1

      The target type of the cast.

    • T2

      The type of the object to cast.


    Returns null | T1

  • Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal.


    • objA: any

      The first object to compare.

    • objB: any

      The second object to compare.

    Returns boolean

    true if the objects are considered equal; otherwise, false. If both objA and objB are null, the method returns true.

Default capability

  • get BinningFunctions(): string
  • Gets the section for binning functions.

    Returns string


  • get ConversionFunctions(): string
  • Gets the section for conversion functions.

    Returns string


  • get DateAndTimeFunctions(): string
  • Gets the section for Date and Time functions.

    Returns string


  • get LogicalFunctions(): string
  • Gets the section for logical functions.

    Returns string


  • get MathFunctions(): string
  • Gets the section for math functions.

    Returns string


  • get Operators(): string
  • Gets the section for operators.

    Returns string


  • get PropertyFunctions(): string
  • Gets the section for property functions.

    Returns string


  • get RankingFunctions(): string
  • Gets the section for ranking functions.

    Returns string


  • get SpatialFunctions(): string
  • Gets the section for spatial functions.

    Returns string


  • get StatisticalFunctions(): string
  • Gets the section for statistical functions.

    Returns string


  • get TextFunctions(): string
  • Gets the section for text functions.

    Returns string
