Interface DataViewCategoricalValuePathElement

Represents an element in the path of a DataViewCategoricalValue.

interface DataViewCategoricalValuePathElement {
    key: null | string;
    formattedValue(): string;
    value<T>(): null | T;




key: null | string

Gets a key that uniquely identifies this element.

In many cases this will be the same as DataViewCategoricalValuePathElement.formattedValue and DataViewCategoricalValuePathElement.value. However there are cases when those values can contain duplicates. For instance when working with cube data, or when using formatters and display values.

They key is suitable to be used for identifying objects when implementing rendering transitions.

The key can be null when the corresponding DataViewCategoricalValuePathElement.value is null.


  • Gets a formatted string that can be used to display this value. The formatting settings in Spotfire are used to create this string.

    Returns string