Represents an object with methods to show and hide a Spotfire tooltip.

interface Tooltip {
    hide(): void;
    show(content: string): void;
    show(row: DataViewRow): void;



  • Hides the tooltip that is currently being showed, if any.

    Returns void

  • Shows a tooltip with the specified content text.

    The tooltip is shown using the same style and initial delay as native Spotfire visualizations. Once shown, the tooltip will follow the mouse around until Tooltip.hide is called.

    Subsequent calls to show can be made to update the tooltip text.


    • content: string

      The text to show in the tooltip.

    Returns void

  • Shows a tooltip for the specified row as it has been configured in the properties panel.

    The tooltip is shown using the same style and initial delay as native Spotfire visualizations. Once shown, the tooltip will follow the mouse around until Tooltip.hide is called.

    Subsequent calls to show can be made to update the tooltip text.


    • row: DataViewRow

      The row to show text for in the tooltip.

    Returns void

    For this feature to work, the dataViewDefinition.tooltip.enabled in the mod-manifest.json needs to be set to true.
