Represents the data type of a value.

interface DataType {
        | "String"
        | "Integer"
        | "LongInteger"
        | "Real"
        | "SingleReal"
        | "Currency"
        | "Boolean"
        | "Date"
        | "DateTime"
        | "Time"
        | "TimeSpan"
        | "Binary";
    isDate(): boolean;
    isNumber(): boolean;
    isTime(): boolean;
    isTimeSpan(): boolean;


    | "String"
    | "Integer"
    | "LongInteger"
    | "Real"
    | "SingleReal"
    | "Currency"
    | "Boolean"
    | "Date"
    | "DateTime"
    | "Time"
    | "TimeSpan"
    | "Binary"

Gets the name of this DataType.


  • Gets a value indicating whether the data type is represents by Date or not, that is, Date, or DateTime.

    Returns boolean

  • Gets a value indicating whether the data type is numeric or not, that is, Integer, Currency, Real, LongInteger, or SingleReal.

    Returns boolean

  • Gets a value indicating whether the data type is represents by Time or not.

    Returns boolean

  • Gets a value indicating whether the data type is represents by TimeSpan or not.

    Returns boolean