Interface ErrorOverlay

Display in API overview

Provides access to show an error overlay covering the entire Mod shown by Spotfire.

interface ErrorOverlay {
    hide(category?: string): void;
    show(messages: string[], category?: string): void;
    show(message: string, category?: string): void;



  • Clear the error message. If no other error messages are currently visible the Mods UI will be shown.


    • Optionalcategory: string

      Optional error categorization.

    Returns void

  • Show error message. Showing any error message will hide the Mods UI.


    • messages: string[]

      The error messages. Each message will be shown in its own paragraph.

    • Optionalcategory: string

      Optional error categorization. Useful if multiple error message are to be shown. Error messages will be sorted based on the category.

    Returns void

  • Show error message. Showing any error message will hide the Mods UI.


    • message: string

      The error message.

    • Optionalcategory: string

      Optional error categorization. Useful if multiple error message are to be shown. Error messages will be sorted based on the category.

    Returns void
